About Us
About Us
World-Class Identity and Access Management Solution Provider

Our Mission
i-Sprint’s key thrust is to expand the Circle of Trust among individuals, organizations and societies to power sustainability, productivity and growth.
Our Vision
We excel in Identity and Access Management Solutions to secure access, protect data, and build trust in cyber security.

Company Overview
Established in 2000 in Singapore, i-Sprint is a global IAM (Identity & Access Management) Security and Mobile App Protection software company that helps organizations manage user identity life cycle, enforce strong authentication via multi-factor authentication, control fine-grained access, secure online transactions, and protect mobile apps against malware and external attacks.
With a mission to enable individuals, organizations, and societies to build trust and identity assurance for powering productivity gain through its AccessMatrix IAM suite and YESsafe Mobile App Security suite, i-Sprint has been recognized as a trusted partner by many organizations.
This trust is evident in its successful deployments in more than 250 global organizations with complex operations, regulated financial services institutions, security-sensitive government agencies, etc. Through its innovative products and proven track records, i-Sprint has established a direct presence and active authorized partners across Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and the United States.
Securing identities and trust with visionary leadership.


Vice Chairman & Chief Technology Officer

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Financial Officer

Chief Operating Officer

Vice President Sales & Channel Asia Pacific
Office Locations
Hong Kong
United States
Contact Us
General Enquiry:
- enquiry@i-sprint.com
Marketing Enquiries:
- marketing@i-sprint.com
Global Support:
- Email: support@i-sprint.com
- Portal: Global Support Portal