Singapore Manufacturing Federation Talk 2017
i-Sprint has been invited by Mr. Sunny Koh, the Deputy President of Singapore Manufacturing Federation to share with the......
Executive Luncheon Talk in Hong Kong By i-Sprint and F5
i-Sprint and F5 have organized an Executive Luncheon Talk to share with the audience on latest technology and solutions in Hong Kong. In the talk, we shared on the......
Marshall Cavendish Hong Kong Book Launch with Phygitalbook Solution in April 2017
Phygital Book is a strategic partnership project between CTPS DIGIPRINT and i-Sprint Innovations to offer publishers of books, journals, reference works, and......
i-Sprint Innovations announced partnership with DataOne Asia (Thailand) in March 2017
i-Sprint Innovations and DataOne Asia (Thailand) announced its partnership to offer the Digital Identity solutions to support all business sectors in Thailand. The move aimed to capture the growth of IT investment in the country as ......