i-Sprint Events

i-Sprint Events2025-02-28T10:09:51+08:00

12 Dec 2021 Hitachi Vantara Physical Event: Unlocking the Future of Data Security and Digital Identity

i-Sprint has the opportunity to join Hitachi Vantara and Utimaco physical event in Hong Kong to share with the audience on the topic of Building Trust for the Digital World. In this talk we have shared on several considerations for building trusted authentication platform that allow organizations to grow and secure their digital channels.

November 13th, 2021|

Digital Identity Webinar Series: Gear Up Your Organizations for The Deployment of Electronic Know Your Customer (e-KYC)

How could companies tap on digital identity management and electronic Know Your Customer (e-KYC) to improve your customer digital experience and safeguard their online transactions

October 1st, 2021|

GS1 Webinar: Connected Supply Chain to Achieve Product Traceability Visibility and Transparency

i-Sprint was pleased to join our partners Videojet and Omron in a panel discussion on that 18 August 2021 to talk about traceability through serialization and counterfeit solution.

August 20th, 2021|
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