How Blockchain can build consumers’ confidence in products with product transparency
There’s a growing consensus that blockchain technology is the next step in the digitization of the supply chain, providing......
Concern Over Rise in Counterfeit as Consumers Move to E-Commerce
As non-essential stores in various countries temporarily closed their doors during the pandemic, many consumers turn online to......
Organisations need to re-assess their IAM strategy and tools to support the New Normal
Nowadays, though, enterprises use both on-premise and cloud-based systems and applications. Employees, partners, and clients access these programs through various devices, including personal......
How companies combat the counterfeit market
The global counterfeit market reached a total value of US$1.2 trillion in 2017 and is on track to climb to US$1.82 trillion this year......
How companies can enhance digital identity protection when adopting remote work
The threat of coronavirus infection has prompted organisations to take swift action—employees are encouraged to stay put and work from home.....
Making Tracking on Product Level Possible
In the current connected world, parallel import and grey market are greatly on the rise, which, many enterprises or business owners seek ways to overcome or minimize it.