Exclusive Seminar

Discovery of Multiple New Android Malware Targeted at Southeast Asia

Join Us for an Exclusive Seminar on the Latest Mobile Malware Trends, Unveiling Snowblind and Future Threats.

Event Details:

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Time: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Location: Singapore Management University, School of Computing & Information Systems / School of Economics

Level 3, Seminar Room 3-3

Address: 90 Stamford Rd, Singapore 178903

Discover the Future of Mobile Security!

In the wake of our recent discovery of the FjordPhantom malware, we have identified a new, sophisticated Android malware named “Snowblind.” Unearthed during a malware attack on a financial services customer in Southeast Asia, Snowblind represents a significant leap in mobile malware capabilities. Our collaboration with Promon has revealed that Snowblind uses a groundbreaking technique that exploits the Linux kernel feature seccomp, allowing it to bypass even the strongest anti-tampering mechanisms and perform scalable app attacks.

Cutting-Edge Insights

Learn about the latest sophisticated mobile malware trends from leading experts.

Deep Dive into Snowblind

Understand the inner workings of Snowblind malware, presented by the very researchers who discovered it.

Combat Strategies

Gain actionable strategies to protect your apps and users from advanced mobile malware threats.

Agenda Highlights

Latest Sophisticated Mobile Malware Trends

Shar Lwin Khin

Associate Professor (Practice),

Singapore Management University

Explore the evolving landscape of mobile malware and understand the latest threats targeting mobile applications.

Snowblind Malware In-Depth

Benjamin Adolphi

Head of Security Research, Promon

Get an exclusive, in-depth look at the Snowblind malware and the novel techniques it employs.

Fighting Against Mobile Malware

Henning Benzon Treichl

Vice President of Product Management, Promon

Learn effective strategies and best practices to combat mobile malware and safeguard your applications.

Best Practices for Mobile App Threat Detection and Response

Albert Ching

Chief Technology Officer,

i-Sprint Innovations

Discover how to implement robust threat detection and response measures to protect your mobile apps.


Shar Lwin Khin

Associate Professor (Practice) of Computer Science, Singapore Management University
Lwin Khin Shar is an associate professor at Singapore Management University. He has worked on European and industrial research projects with industrial partners and European universities. His current research focuses on scalable and effective analysis of security and privacy issues in web and mobile apps using program analysis, constraint solving, search-based testing, and machine learning techniques.

Benjamin Adolphi

Head of Security Research, Promon

Henning Benzon Treichl

Vice President of Product Management, Promon

Albert Ching

Chief Technology Officer, i-Sprint Innovations
Albert is the CTO of i-Sprint Innovations, a global IAM and Mobile App Security software company. Their security solutions are designed to help clients address digital identity and mobile app protection challenges. Their solutions have been successfully deployed in many organizations with complex operations, such as Citibank, UOB, OCBC, Bank of China, Bank of America, Bank of Communications, IRAS, GovTech, and other financial services institutions, government agencies, and large corporations.

Register here to join us for an afternoon of cutting-edge insights and practical knowledge.