How Singtel Stopped a Major Cyberattack in Its Tracks
Singtel's experience with the Volt Typhoon attack serves as a critical reminder of the evolving threats facing telecommunications and other critical infrastructures.
Singtel's experience with the Volt Typhoon attack serves as a critical reminder of the evolving threats facing telecommunications and other critical infrastructures.
3 Reasons Why Your Payment App Needs EMVCo SBMP Certification [...]
Promon and i-Sprint recently uncovered a new Android malware spreading across Southeast Asia. Out of the 113 banking apps tested, an alarming 80.5% cannot protect against FjordPhantom.
2023 年 3 月 16 日,一家澳大利亚知识产权公司(IPH)宣布其部分 IT 系统发生数据泄露。IPH声称,公司检测到其文件管理系统发生未经授权访问,而该系统存储了公司的行政文件、客户信息及其信件......
新加坡的《海峡时报》于 2023 年 3 月 10 日刊登了一则题为“重大新闻:军事文件在线泄露”的最新消息,文章指出黑客已经把泄露的机密国防文件放于网上出售.....