Winner of NetworkWorld Asia 2017 Readers’ Choice
i-Sprint Innovations had once again won in the Identity management Suite Category. The award ceremony was held on 25 October 2017 at St Regis Singapore.
i-Sprint Innovations had once again won in the Identity management Suite Category. The award ceremony was held on 25 October 2017 at St Regis Singapore.
i-Sprint Innovations is one of the Singapore-based companies awarded the National Cybersecurity R&D Programme Grant Call.
全球网络安全 500 强榜建立于对最具创新力的网络空间安全企业的认可。i-Sprint 是榜单列表中被列入前 40强企业中的三家亚洲公司之一......
亚洲区唯一入选 Gartner 2017年访问管理魔力象限的提供商......
2017年网络安全技术 25强榜单公是由 APAC CIO Outlook 鉴定。这份榜单公开展示了在建立下一代安全基础设施方面处于领先地位的公司......
i-Sprint Innovations and DataOne Asia (Thailand) announced its partnership to offer the Digital Identity solutions to support all business sectors in Thailand. The move aimed to capture the growth of IT investment in the country as ......
i-Sprint Featured in The Straits Times "Defending the nation's [...]
i-Sprint Innovations (i-Sprint) announced today that the company had won the most awards from Info Security Products Guide, the industry's leading information security research and advisory guide, at 13th Annual 2017 Info Security's Global Excellence Awards Ceremony ......
FIDO 认证产品在 2016年实现了200%的市场增长,自推出以来,FIDO 认证计划一直是实现 FIDO......