i-Sprint 新闻发布

i-Sprint 新闻发布2019-02-12T11:24:11+08:00

i-Sprint 是 2018年网络世界亚洲信息管理奖的身份和认证管理类别赢家

6月 7th, 2018|


SMF Launched SMF SMART Platform (Powered by AccessReal) at Food Hotel Asia 2018

5月 8th, 2018|

On 24 April 2018, SMF officially launched the SMF SMART (also know as SMF i-Sprint Product Authentication) at the Food Hotel Asia 2018 in Singapore. The launch was graced by Singapore Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Trade and Industry, and Ministry of National Development Dr. Koh Poh Koon.......

安讯奔 (i-Sprint) 荣获 9 项安全产业全球卓越大奖

4月 19th, 2018|

2018年 4月 17日(北京时间),第十四届安全产业全球年度卓越大奖颁奖典礼在美国旧金山举办。安讯奔 (i-Sprint)在此次颁奖典礼中表现突出,一举斩获 9项安全产业大奖,包括卓越奖 1项、金奖 1项、银奖 3项、铜奖4项。安全产业全球卓越大奖是由业界领先的.....

i-Sprint Won Enterprise Innovation Award 2017 Technology Innovators

4月 2nd, 2018|

i-Sprint Innovations, the leading provider in Securing Identity and Transactions in the Cyber World, is honoured to be voted by the readers of Enterprise Innovation as the winner for the Technology Innovators, Best in Identity and Authentication Management category......

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